Belden Architectural Elements Belden Architectural Elements

Belden Architectural Elements

Belden, a company with a 40-year history of supplying brick and stone to the residential and commercial construction industry, was previously known for its expertise in this niche. However, they have since expanded their product offerings to include siding products, outdoor living solutions, and other interior cladding options. To reflect this evolution, we successfully rebranded them as Belden Architectural Elements, creating a more sophisticated and elevated brand. This comprehensive rebranding effort encompassed their entire brand identity, marketing materials, physical showroom, and online experience.

BAE Horizontal Logo
BAE Book
BAE Identity Materials
BAE Brand Standards 1 BAE Brand Standards 2 BAE Brand Standards 3
BAE Mobile Website
BAE Web Pages
BAE Digital Ads
BAE Binder
BAE Photography 1
BAE Photography 2 BAE Photography 3 BAE Photography 4 BAE Photography 5

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